I am experiencing problems in updating this site, due to the lack of free
web space Tripod provides.
I am currently looking to change to a provider that offers 150 MB in stead of
20... :-)
Please make sure that you access this site via the
http://go.to/viergever redirect service in
stead of the direct tripod address. In this way you will be able to access the
new site without problems.
I expect the new
site will be up and running later this week.

4300+ Pageviews!
Web Site set up by André
Viergever of Leiden, the Netherlands.
This site
provides information about:
The Viergever family history
(complete with an all-encompassing family tree;
Information on that strange Viergever family name;
Information on the family Coat of Arms;
The geographic distribution, with info on migration to the USA,
Canada and Australia.
Information on present day
Viergevers world-wide.
See the various Country
pages and the 'Wanted' page.

The city of Rotterdam named a street after their
city architect,
who -among others- designed the Dijkzigt Hospital.
All information
presented on these pages was found on the Internet
(some credits provided in the links page)
or was submitted with permission
for publication.
Without YOU
this information
can never be complete!
Please share your family data:
Names, Birthdates, Family relationships as far back as possible,
Professions, Confessions, Pictures, Anecdotes, etc.
I will gladly publish them.
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free News,
trivia, and discussion list!
Mail me at
I will then send you an invitation to join. |